Configuration file

The configuration file defines the behavior of the application. It’s a regular JSON file.


  "options": {
    "paths": {
      "root": "",
      "fonts": "fonts",
      "sprites": "sprites",
      "icons": "icons",
      "styles": "styles",
      "mbtiles": "data",
      "pmtiles": "data",
      "files": "files"
    "domains": [
    "formatOptions": {
      "jpeg": {
        "quality": 80
      "webp": {
        "quality": 90
    "maxScaleFactor": 3,
    "maxSize": 2048,
    "pbfAlias": "pbf",
    "serveAllFonts": false,
    "serveAllStyles": false,
    "serveStaticMaps": true,
    "allowRemoteMarkerIcons": true,
    "allowInlineMarkerImages": true,
    "staticAttributionText": "© OpenMapTiles  © OpenStreetMaps",
    "tileMargin": 0
  "styles": {
    "basic": {
      "style": "basic.json",
      "tilejson": {
        "type": "overlay",
        "bounds": [8.44806, 47.32023, 8.62537, 47.43468]
    "hybrid": {
      "style": "satellite-hybrid.json",
      "serve_rendered": false,
      "tilejson": {
        "format": "webp"
  "data": {
    "zurich-vector": {
      "mbtiles": "zurich.mbtiles"



Defines where to look for the different types of input data.

The value of root is used as prefix for all data types.


You can use this to optionally specify on what domains the rendered tiles are accessible. This can be used for basic load-balancing or to bypass browser’s limit for the number of connections per domain.


Path to the html (relative to root path) to use as a front page.

Use true (or nothing) to serve the default TileServer GL front page with list of styles and data. Use false to disable the front page altogether (404).


You can use this to specify options for the generation of images in the supported file formats. For WebP, the only supported option is quality [0-100]. For JPEG, the only supported options are quality [0-100] and progressive [true, false]. For PNG, the full set of options exposed by the sharp library is available, except force and colours (use colors). If not set, their values are the defaults from sharp.

For example:

"formatOptions": {
  "png": {
    "palette": true,
    "colors": 4

Note: formatOptions replaced the formatQuality option in previous versions of TileServer GL.


Maximum scale factor to allow in raster tile and static maps requests (e.g. @3x suffix). Also see maxSize below. Default value is 3, maximum 9.


Maximum image side length to be allowed to be rendered (including scale factor). Be careful when changing this value since there are hardware limits that need to be considered. Default is 2048.


Additional image side length added during tile rendering that is cropped from the delivered tile. This is useful for resolving the issue with cropped labels, but it does come with a performance degradation, because additional, adjacent vector tiles need to be loaded to generate a single tile. Default is 0 to disable this processing.


Minimum amount of raster tile renderers per scale factor. The value is an array: the first element is the minimum amount of renderers for scale factor one, the second for scale factor two and so on. If the array has less elements than maxScaleFactor, then the last element is used for all remaining scale factors as well. Selecting renderer pool sizes is a trade-off between memory use and speed. A reasonable value will depend on your hardware and your amount of styles and scale factors. If you have plenty of memory, you’ll want to set this equal to maxRendererPoolSizes to avoid increased latency due to renderer destruction and recreation. If you need to conserve memory, you’ll want something lower than maxRendererPoolSizes, possibly allocating more renderers to scale factors that are more common. Default is [8, 4, 2].


Maximum amount of raster tile renderers per scale factor. The value and considerations are similar to minRendererPoolSizes above. If you have plenty of memory, try setting these equal to or slightly above your processor count, e.g. if you have four processors, try a value of [6]. If you need to conserve memory, try lower values for scale factors that are less common. Default is [16, 8, 4].


Some CDNs did not handle .pbf extension as a static file correctly. The default URLs (with .pbf) are always available, but an alternative can be set. An example extension suffix would be “.pbf.pict”.


If this option is enabled, all the fonts from the paths.fonts will be served. Otherwise only the fonts referenced by available styles will be served.


If this option is enabled, all the styles from the paths.styles will be served. (No recursion, only .json files are used.) The process will also watch for changes in this directory and remove/add more styles dynamically. It is recommended to also use the serveAllFonts option when using this option.


If this option is enabled, all the static map endpoints will be served. Default is true.


Optional string to be rendered into the raster tiles and static maps as watermark (bottom-left corner). Not used by default.


Optional string to be rendered in the static images endpoint. Text will be rendered in the bottom-right corner, and styled similar to attribution on web-based maps (text only, links not supported). Not used by default.


Allows the rendering of marker icons fetched via http(s) hyperlinks. For security reasons only allow this if you can control the origins from where the markers are fetched! Default is to disallow fetching of icons from remote sources.


Allows the rendering of inline marker icons or base64 urls. For security reasons only allow this if you can control the origins from where the markers are fetched! Not used by default.


Each item in this object defines one style (map). It can have the following options:

  • style – name of the style json file [required]

  • serve_rendered – whether to render the raster tiles for this style or not

  • serve_data – whether to allow access to the original tiles, sprites and required glyphs

  • tilejson – properties to add to the TileJSON created for the raster data

    • format and bounds can be especially useful


Each item specifies one data source which should be made accessible by the server. It has to have one of the following options:

  • mbtiles – name of the mbtiles file

  • pmtiles – name of the pmtiles file or url.

For example:

"data": {
  "source1": {
    "mbtiles": "source1.mbtiles"
  "source2": {
    "pmtiles": "source2.pmtiles"
  "source3": {
    "pmtiles": "https://foo.lan/source3.pmtiles"

The data source does not need to be specified here unless you explicitly want to serve the raw data.

Serving Terrain Tiles

If you serve terrain tiles, it is possible to configure an encoding with mapbox or terrarium to enable a terrain preview mode and the elevation api for the data endpoint.

For example:

"data": {
  "terrain1": {
    "mbtiles": "terrain1.mbtiles",
    "encoding": "mapbox"
  "terrain2": {
    "pmtiles": "terrain2.pmtiles"
    "encoding": "terrarium"

Referencing local files from style JSON

You can link various data sources from the style JSON (for example even remote TileJSONs).


To specify that you want to use local mbtiles, use to following syntax: mbtiles://source1.mbtiles. TileServer-GL will try to find the file source1.mbtiles in root + mbtiles path.

For example:

"sources": {
  "source1": {
    "url": "mbtiles://source1.mbtiles",
    "type": "vector"

Alternatively, you can use mbtiles://{source1} to reference existing data object from the config. In this case, the server will look into the config.json to determine what file to use by data id. For the config above, this is equivalent to mbtiles://source1.mbtiles.


To specify that you want to use local pmtiles, use to following syntax: pmtiles://source2.pmtiles. TileServer-GL will try to find the file source2.pmtiles in root + pmtiles path.

To specify that you want to use a url based pmtiles, use to following syntax: pmtiles://https://foo.lan/source3.pmtiles.

For example:

"sources": {
  "source2": {
    "url": "pmtiles://source2.pmtiles",
    "type": "vector"
  "source3": {
    "url": "pmtiles://https://foo.lan/source3.pmtiles",
    "type": "vector"

Alternatively, you can use pmtiles://{source2} to reference existing data object from the config. In this case, the server will look into the config.json to determine what file to use by data id. For the config above, this is equivalent to pmtiles://source2.mbtiles.


If your style requires any sprites, make sure the style JSON contains proper path in the sprite property.

It can be a local path (e.g. my-style/sprite) or remote http(s) location (e.g. Several possible extension are added to this path, so the following files should be present:

  • sprite.json

  • sprite.png

  • sprite@2x.json

  • sprite@2x.png

You can also use the following placeholders in the sprite path for easier use:

  • {style} – gets replaced with the name of the style file (xxx.json)

  • {styleJsonFolder} – gets replaced with the path to the style file

Fonts (glyphs)

Similarly to the sprites, the style JSON also needs to contain proper paths to the font glyphs (in the glyphs property) and can be both local and remote.

It should contain the following placeholders:

  • {fontstack} – name of the font and variant

  • {range} – range of the glyphs

For example "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf" will instruct TileServer-GL to look for the files such as fonts/Open Sans/0-255.pbf (fonts come from the paths property of the config.json example above).