===== Usage ===== Getting started ====== :: Usage: main.js tileserver-gl [file] [options] Options: --file MBTiles or PMTiles file ignored if the configuration file is also specified --mbtiles (DEPRECIATED) MBTiles file ignored if file is also specified ignored if the configuration file is also specified -c, --config Configuration file [config.json] (default: "config.json") -b, --bind
Bind address -p, --port Port [8080] (default: 8080) -C|--no-cors Disable Cross-origin resource sharing headers -u|--public_url Enable exposing the server on subpaths, not necessarily the root of the domain -V, --verbose More verbose output -s, --silent Less verbose output -l|--log_file output log file (defaults to standard out) -f|--log_format define the log format: https://github.com/expressjs/morgan#morganformat-options -v, --version output the version number -h, --help display help for command Default preview style and configuration ====== - If no configuration file is specified, a default preview style (compatible with openmaptiles) is used. - If no data file is specified (and is not found in the current working directory), a sample file is downloaded (showing the Zurich area) Reloading the configuration ====== It is possible to reload the configuration file without restarting the whole process by sending a SIGHUP signal to the node process. - The `docker kill -s HUP tileserver-gl` command can be used when running the tileserver-gl docker container. - The `docker-compose kill -s HUP tileserver-gl-service-name` can be used when tileserver-gl is run as a docker-compose service. Docker and `--port` ====== When running tileserver-gl in a Docker container, using the `--port` option would make the container incorrectly seem unhealthy. Instead, it is advised to use Docker's port mapping and map the default port 8080 to the desired external port.